CIN: L65922MH1989PLC054583
Regd. Office : 6th Floor, National Insurance Building, 14,   Jamshedji Tata Road, Churchgate, Mumbai - 400 020.
Statement of   Unaudited Standalone Financial Results for the Quarter and Half year ended   September 30, 2024
(₹ in Lakh)
Particulars Quarter   ended Half year   ended Year ended
30-09-2024 30-06-2024 30-09-2023 30-09-2024 30-09-2023 31-03-2024
(Reviewed) (Reviewed) (Reviewed) (Reviewed) (Reviewed) (Audited)
1 Revenue from   operations
(i) Interest Income 25,937 25,772 26,224 51,709 52,732    1,04,272
(ii) Dividend Income 15 - 13 15 13 13
(iii) Fees and Commission Income 142 139 127 281 227 516
(iv) Other Operating Income 310 1,483 395 1,793 630 915
Total Revenue from   operations 26,404 27,394 26,759 53,798 53,602 1,05,716
Other Income 164 324 259 488 520 1,248
Total Income 26,568 27,718 27,018 54,286 54,122    1,06,964
2 Expenses
(i) Finance Cost 17,687 17,398 17,932 35,085 36,233 71,038
(ii) Net Loss on De-recognition of Financial Instruments under   Amortised Cost Category 7 3 5 10 10 15
(iii) Impairment of Financial Instruments, including write-off 156 2,384 1,646 2,540 2,700 1,821
(iv) Employee Benefits Expenses 1,744 1,559 1,413 3,303 3,119 6,342
(v) Depreciation & Amortisation Expenses 374 365 362 739 729 1,502
(vi) Other Expenses 1,835 1,322 1,602 3,157 3,080 5,855
Total Expenses 21,803 23,031 22,960 44,834 45,871 86,573
3 Profit before exceptional items and tax (1-2) 4,765 4,687 4,058 9,452 8,251 20,391
4 Exceptional items    - - - - - -
5 Profit before tax (3-4) 4,765 4,687 4,058 9,452 8,251 20,391
6 Tax expense
(i) Current Tax 975 1,175 1200 2,150 2,100 4,225
(ii) Deferred tax (Net) 142 (384) (158) (242) (46) 1,025
(iii) Tax of Earlier Period (Net) - - - - 25
7 Net Profit for the period (5-6) 3,648 3,896 3,016 7,544 6,197 15,116
8 Other comprehensive Income
A. Items that will not be reclassified to profit or   loss
(i) Remeasurement Gain / (Loss) on defined benefit plan (32) (1) 71 (33) 10 (51)
(ii) Net Gain on equity instrument designated at FVTOCI 24 68 41 92 39 373
(iii) Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified to   profit or loss 2 (17) (28) (15) (12) (81)
B. Items that will be reclassified to profit or   loss    - - - - - -
Total other comprehensive Income (A+B) (6) 50 84 44 37 241
9 Total Comprehensive Income (7+8) 3,642 3,946 3,100 7,588 6,234 15,357
10 Paid up Equity Share Capital (Face value ₹ 10/-) 5,385 5,385 5,385 5,385 5,385 5,385
11 Reserves as at 31st March - - - - -    1,77,477
12 Earning Per Share (EPS) on Face Value ₹ 10/-
Basic and   Diluted Earning Per Share (Face value ₹ 10/-)
     (The EPS for the Quarters are not annualised)
6.77 7.23 5.60 14.01 11.51 28.07

Notes to the Standalone Financial Results:

1 Statement of   Standalone Assets and Liabilities
(₹ in Lakh)
Sr.No. Particulars As at As at
30-09-2024 31-03-2024
(Reviewed) (Audited)
1 Financial Assets
(a) Cash   and cash equivalents 3,725 3,575
(b) Bank   balance other than cash and cash equivalent 410 409
(c) Receivables
(i)   Trade Receivables 73 38
(d) Loans    10,06,091    9,98,536
(e) Investments 25,300 16,920
(f) Other   financial assets 277 256
Total - Financial Assets 10,35,876 10,19,734
2 Non-financial assets
(a) Current   tax assets (net) 368 3,575
(b) Deferred   tax assets (net) 7,641 7,414
(c) Property,   plant and equipment 379 347
(d) Right   Of Use Assets 2,305 1,897
(e) Intangible   Assets Under Development 1,061 1,005
(f) Other   intangible assets 1,834 2,119
(g) Other   non-financial assets 1,389 970
(h) Assets   Held for Sale 10,655 9,981
Total - Non Financial Assets 25,632 27,308
Total Assets 10,61,508    10,47,042
1 Financial liabilities
(a) Lease Liabilities 2,501 2,111
(b) Payables
(i)   Trade Payable
-Total outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small   enterprises 13 4
-Total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro   enterprises and small enterprises 1,177 1,035
(c) Debt securities 98,827 73,044
(d) Borrowings (other than debt securities)    7,66,008    7,83,285
(e) Other financial liabilities 1,519 1,699
Total - Financial Liabilities 8,70,045    8,61,178
2 Non-financial   liabilities
(a) Current tax liabilities (Net) 466 167
(b) Provisions 2,008 2,072
(c) Other   Non Financial Liabilities 959 760
Total - Non Financial Liabilities 3,433 2,999
3 Equity
(a) Equity   Share Capital 5,388 5,388
(b) Other   Equity    1,82,642    1,77,477
Total - Equity 1,88,030    1,82,865
Total Liabilities and Equity 10,61,508    10,47,042
2   Standalone Cash Flow Statement (₹ in Lakh)
Particulars Half Year Ended Half Year Ended
30-09-2024 30-09-2023
(Reviewed) (Reviewed)
A.Cash Flow From Operating   Activities :
Profit Before Tax 9,452 8,251
Adjustments For :
Depreciation And   Amortisation 739 729
Impairment of Financial   Instruments (Excluding ECL provision on Cash & Cash equivalents) 2,538 2,700
Interest and Dividend   Income (51,724) (52,745)
Interest Expenses 35,085 36,233
Fees & Commission Income (281) (227)
(Profit)/Loss On Sale Of   Investments (15) (228)
Remeasurement Gain/(loss) on   Defined Benefit Plan (33) 10
Operating Profit Before   Working Capital Changes (4,239) (5,277)
Adjustments For :
(Increase)/Decrease In Non   Financial Assets 2,168 86
(Increase)/Decrease In Other   Financial Assets (30) (4)
(Increase)/Decrease In Other   Non Financial Assets (419) (537)
(Increase)/Decrease In Bank   Balance other than cash & cash equivalents (1) (52)
Increase/(Decrease) In Other   Non Financial Liabilities 433 421
Increase/(Decrease) In Trade   Payables 150 686
Increase/(Decrease) In Other   Financial Liabilities 586 (2)
Operating Profit After   Working Capital Changes (1,352) (4,679)
Adjustments For :
(Increase)/Decrease Housing   Loans (9,884) 32,192
Asset held for Sale (674) (1,250)
Fees & Commission   Received 244 235
Interest Received 51,511 52,771
Interest Paid (32,539) (33,644)
Taxes Paid (1,908) (1,676)
Net Cash Generated/(Used)   From Operating Activity 5,398 43,949
B:Cash Flow From Investment   Activities
Payments for Property, Plant   & Equipments (110) (11)
Proceeds from Sale of   Property, Plant & Equipments 13 -
Payments for Intangible   assets Under Developments (56) (52)
Purchase Of Investments (80,737)    (1,86,789)
Sale Of Investments 72,465    1,89,528
Dividend Received 15 13
Net Cash Generated/(Used)   From Investing Activity (8,410) 2,689
C: Cash Flow From Financing   Activities
Proceeds From Borrowings and   Debt Securities 2,89,408    2,38,639
Repayment of Borrowings and   Debt Securities (2,83,368)    (2,83,141)
Dividend Paid On Equity   Shares (2,423) (2,423)
Payment of lease liabilities (455) (473)
Net Cash Generated/(Used)   From Financing Activity 3,162 (47,398)
Net Increase/(Decrease) Of   Cash & Cash Equivalents (A+B+C) 150 (760)
Cash & Cash Equivalents As   At Beginning of the year 3,575 6,964
Cash & Cash Equivalents   As At the End of the Period 3,725 6,204
3 The above unaudited   standalone financial results have been prepared in accordance with and comply   in all material aspects with the Indian Accounting Standards ("Ind   AS") as prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read   with Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 (as amended) and   other accounting principles generally accepted in India and in compliance   with Regulation 33 and Regulation 52 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and   Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended.
4 The main business of   the Company is to provide loans for purchase or construction of residential   houses. All other activities of the Company revolve around the main business   and accordingly there are no separate reportable segments, as per the Ind AS   108- Operating Segments.
5 The Members at the   Annual General Meeting held on July 31, 2024 approved the payment of final   dividend of Rs. 4.5 per equity share aggregating to Rs. 2,423 Lakh for the   year ended March 31, 2024 as recommended by Board of Directors of the Company   at its meeting held on May 13, 2024. Accordingly, the dividend amount has   been paid to the shareholders in August 2024.
6 There are no loans   transferred / acquired during the quarter and half year ended September 30,   2024 under the RBI Master direction on Transfer of Loan Exposure dated   September 24, 2021.
7 Information as   required by Regulation 52(4) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India   (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 is   attached as Annexure I.
8 Disclosure as   required under RBI Circular No. RBI/2020-21/16   DOR.No.BP.BC/3/21.04.048/2020-21 dated August 6, 2020 pertaining to Resolution Framework for   COVID-19 related Stress read with circular RBI/2021-22/31 DOR.STR.REC.11/21.04.048/2021-22   dated May 5, 2021 pertaining to Resolution Framework - 2.0 :
₹ in Lakh
Type of borrower (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
Exposure   to Accounts classified as Standard consequent to Implementation of resolution   plan at March 31, 2024 of   ( A ) , aggregate debt that slipped into NPA during the half year of   ( A ) , amount written off during the half year of   ( A ) , amount paid by the borrowers during    the half year Exposure   to Accounts classified as Standard consequent to Implementation of resolution   plan - Position as at September 30, 2024
Personal loan 2,826 76 - 175    2,575
Corporate   persons - - - -    -
Of which , MSMEs - - - -    -
Others - - - -    -
Total 2,826 76 - 175    2,575
9 Pursuant to   Regulations 54 of SEBI (Listing obligations and Disclosure Requirements)   Regulations, 2015, all Secured Non-Convertible Debentures (NCDs) issued by   the Company and outstanding as on September 30, 2024 are fully secured by way   of charge on identified receivables of the company. Accordingly, the Company   is maintaining asset cover of 1x or such higher asset cover required as per   the terms of offer document.
# In compliance with   Regulation 33 and Regulation 52 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and   Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the above standalone financial   results for the quarter and half year ended September 30, 2024 have been   reviewed and recommended by the Audit Committee and subsequently approved by   the Board of Directors at their meeting held on November 08, 2024. The above   results have been subjected to review by the Statutory Auditors of the   Company.
# Other Operating   Income includes Rs. 1,202.14 Lakh towards Bad debts recovery.
# The figures for the   previous periods / year have been regrouped wherever necessary in order to   make them comparable with figures for the quarter and half year ended   September 30, 2024.
For and on behalf of the Board
Paul Lobo
Managing Director & CEO
DIN No: 09787223
Place : Jaipur
Date : November 08, 2024
Annexure - I
Sr.   No. Ratio Quarter Ended Half Year   Ended Year Ended
30-09-2024 30-06-2024 30-09-2023 30-09-2024 30-09-2023 31-03-2024
(Reviewed) (Reviewed) (Reviewed) (Reviewed) (Reviewed) (Audited)
a Debt- Equity Ratio   (in times) 4.60 4.59 5.02 4.60 5.02 4.68
b* Debt-Service Coverage   Ratio Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
c* Interest Service   Coverage Ratio Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
d Outstanding   redeemable preference shares (quantity and value) Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
e Capital redemption   reserve / Debenture redemption reserve - - - - - -
f Net worth (₹ in Lakh) 1,88,030 1,86,811 1,73,742 1,88,030 1,73,742 1,82,865
g Net Profit after tax   (₹ in Lakh) 3,648 3,896 3,016 7,544 6,197 15,116
h Earning per share   (not annualised)
1. Basic 6.77 7.23 5.60 14.01 11.51 28.07
2. Diluted 6.77 7.23 5.60 14.01 11.51 28.07
i* Current Ratio Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
j* Long term debt to   working capital Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
k Bad debts to Account   receivable ratio (Not annualised) - - - - - 0.16%
l* Current Liability   Ratio Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
m Total debts to total   assets (%) 81.47% 81.46% 82.72% 81.47% 82.72% 81.79%
n* Debtors turnover Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
o* Inventory turnover Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
p* Operating Margin (%) Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
q Net Profit Margin (%) 13.73% 14.06% 11.16% 13.90% 11.45% 14.13%
r Sector specific   equivalents ratios, as applicable
i. Stage 3 Ratio (%) 3.78% 3.98% 4.42% 3.78% 4.42% 3.72%
ii. Provision   Coverage Ratio (%) 36.69% 36.61% 35.01% 36.69% 35.01% 32.55%
Formula   for Computation of ratios are as follows:
a Debt equity ratio =   (Debt Securities + Borrowings [Other than Debt Securities]) / Networth
f Networth = Equity Share Capital   + Other Equity
k Bad Debts to Account   Receivable ratio = Bad Debts Written Off / (Total Loan Book + Trade   Receivables)
m Total debts to total   assets (%) = (Debt Securities + Borrowings [Other than Debt Securities]) /   Total Assets
q Net Profit Margin (%) = Net   Profit after tax/ Total Income
r i. Stage 3 Ratio =   Gross Stage III Loan outstanding / Total Loan Outstanding
r ii. Provision   Coverage Ratio = Allowance for bad and doubtful debts for Gross Stage III   Loan Book / Gross Stage III Loan Book
* Since the   Company is a Housing Finance Company ('HFC'), disclosure of Debt service   coverage ratio, Interest service coverage ratio, Current ratio, Long term   debt to working capital, Current liability ratio, Debtors turnover ratio,   Inventory turnover ratio and Operating Margin Ratio are not applicable since   the Company is engaged in financing activities.
CIN: L65922MH1989PLC054583
Regd. Office : 6th Floor, National Insurance   Building, 14, Jamshedji Tata Road, Churchgate, Mumbai - 400 020.
Statement of Unaudited Consolidated Financial   Results For Quarter and Half Year Ended September 30, 2024
(₹ in Lakh)
Particulars Quarter ended Half Year Ended Year ended
30-09-2024 30-06-2024 30-09-2023 30-09-2024 30-09-2023 31-03-2024
(Reviewed) (Reviewed) (Reviewed) (Reviewed) (Reviewed) (Audited)
1 Revenue from   operations
(i) Interest Income 25,937 25,772 26,224 51,709 52,732 1,04,272
(ii) Dividend Income 15 - 13 15 13 13
(iii) Fees and Commission Income 142 139 127 281 227 516
(iv) Other Operating Income 310 1,483 395 1,793 630 915
Total Revenue from   operations 26,404 27,394 26,759 53,798 53,602 1,05,716
Other Income 166 325 260 491 522 1,252
Total Income 26,570 27,719 27,019 54,289 54,124 1,06,968
2 Expenses
(i) Finance Cost 17,687 17,398 17,932 35,085 36,233 71,038
(ii) Net Loss on De-recognition of   Financial Instruments under Amortised Cost Category 7 3 5 10 10 15
(iii) Impairment of Financial   Instruments, including write-off 156 2,384 1,646 2,540 2,700 1,821
(iv) Employee Benefits Expenses 1,803 1,594 1,425 3,397 3,136 6,400
(v) Depreciation & Amortisation   Expenses 374 365 362 739 729 1,502
(vi) Other Expenses 1,773 1,284 1,586 3,057 3,057 5,776
Total Expenses 21,800 23,028 22,956 44,828 45,865 86,552
3 Profit before   exceptional items and tax (1-2) 4,770 4,691 4,063 9,461 8,259 20,416
4 Exceptional items    - - - - - -
5 Profit before tax (3-4) 4,770 4,691 4,063 9,461 8,259 20,416
6 Tax expense
(i) Current Tax 976 1,176 1,202 2,152 2,102 4,231
(ii) Deferred tax (Net) 142 (384) (158) (242) (46) 1,025
(iii) Tax of Earlier Period (Net) - - - - - 25
7 Net Profit for the period (5-6) 3,652 3,899 3,019 7,551 6,203 15,135
8 Other comprehensive Income
A. Items that will   not be reclassified to profit or loss
(i) Remeasurement Gain / (Loss) on   defined benefit plan (32) (1) 71 (33) 10 (51)
(ii) Net Gain on equity instrument   designated at FVTOCI 24 68 41 92 39 373
(iii) Income tax relating to items   that will not be reclassified to profit or loss 2 (17) (28) (15) (12) (81)
B. Items that will be   reclassified to profit or loss - - - - - -
Total other comprehensive Income (A+B) (6) 50 84 44 37 241
9 Total Comprehensive Income (7+8) 3,646 3,949 3,103 7,595 6,240 15,376
Net Profit for the period attributable to:
(i) Owners of the Company 3,652 3,899 3,019 7,551 6,203 15,135
(ii) Non-Controlling Interest - - - - - -
Other Comprehensive   Income attributable to:
(i) Owners of the Company (6) 50 84 44 37 241
(ii) Non-Controlling Interest - - - - - -
Total Comprehensive Income attributable to:
(i) Owners of the Company 3,646 3,949 3,103 7,595 6,240 15,376
(ii) Non-Controlling Interest - - - - - -
10 Paid up Equity Share Capital (Face value ₹ 10/-) 5,385 5,385 5,385 5,385 5,385 5,385
11 Reserves as at 31st March    -    -    - - - 1,77,495
12 Earning Per Share (EPS) on Face Value ₹ 10/-
Basic and Diluted   Earning Per Share (Face value ₹ 10/-)
     (The EPS for the Quarters are not annualised)
6.78 7.24 5.61 14.02 11.52 28.11

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Results:

1 Statement of   Consolidated Assets and Liabilities
(₹ in Lakh)
Sr.No. Particulars As at As at
30-09-2024 31-03-2024
(Reviewed) (Audited)
1 Financial Assets
(a) Cash   and cash equivalents 3,739 3,586
(b) Bank   balance other than cash and cash equivalent 493 479
(c) Receivables
(i)   Trade Receivables 73 38
(d) Loans    10,06,091 9,98,536
(e) Investments 25,225 16,845
(f) Other   financial assets 277 266
Total - Financial Assets 10,35,898    10,19,750
2 Non-financial assets
(a) Current   tax assets (net) 383 3,581
(b) Deferred   tax assets (net) 7,641 7,414
(c) Property,   plant and equipment 379 347
(d) Right   Of Use Assets 2,305 1,897
(e) Intangible   Assets Under Development 1,061 1,005
(f) Other   intangible assets 1,834 2,119
(g) Other   non-financial assets 1,380 962
(h) Assets   Held for Sale 10,655 9,981
Total - Non Financial Assets 25,638 27,306
Total Assets 10,61,536    10,47,056
1 Financial liabilities
(a) Lease Liabilities 2,501 2,111
(b) Payables
(i)   Trade Payable
-Total outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small   enterprises 13 4
-Total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro   enterprises and small enterprises 1,183 1,057
(c) Debt securities 98,827 73,044
(d) Borrowings (other than debt securities) 7,66,008 7,83,285
(e) Other financial liabilities 1,516 1,673
Total - Financial Liabilities 8,70,048 8,61,174
2 Non-financial   liabilities
(a) Current   tax liabilities (Net) 466 167
(b) Provisions 2,008 2,072
(c) Other   Non Financial Liabilities 959 760
Total - Non Financial Liabilities 3,433 2,999
3 Equity
(a) Equity   Share Capital 5,388 5,388
(b) Other   Equity 1,82,667 1,77,495
Total - Equity 1,88,055 1,82,883
Total Liabilities and Equity 10,61,536    10,47,056
2   Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (₹ in Lakh)
Particulars Half Year Ended Half Year Ended
30-09-2024 30-09-2023
(Reviewed) (Reviewed)
A.Cash Flow From Operating   Activities :
Profit Before Tax 9,461 8,259
Adjustments For :
Depreciation And   Amortisation 739 729
Impairment of Financial   Instruments (Excluding ECL provision on Cash & Cash equivalents) 2,538 2,700
Interest and Dividend   Income (51,724)    (52,745)
Interest Expenses 35,085 36,233
Fees & Commission Income (281) (227)
(Profit)/Loss On Sale Of   Investments (15) (228)
Remeasurement Gain/(loss) on   Defined Benefit Plan (33) 10
Operating Profit Before   Working Capital Changes (4,230) (5,269)
Adjustments For :
(Increase)/Decrease In Non   Financial Assets 2,156 82
(Increase)/Decrease In Other   Financial Assets (19) (4)
(Increase)/Decrease In Other   Non Financial Assets (418) (537)
(Increase)/Decrease In Bank   Balance other than cash & cash equivalents (13) (54)
Increase/(Decrease) In Other   Non Financial Liabilities 433 421
Increase/(Decrease) In Trade   Payables 134 690
Increase/(Decrease) In Other   Financial Liabilities 608 (4)
Operating Profit After   Working Capital Changes (1,349) (4,675)
Adjustments For :
(Increase)/Decrease Housing   Loans (9,884) 32,192
Asset held for Sale (674) (1,250)
Fees & Commission   Received 244 235
Interest Received 51,511 52,771
Interest Paid (32,539)    (33,644)
Taxes Paid (1,908) (1,676)
Net Cash Generated/(Used)   From Operating Activity 5,401 43,953
B:Cash Flow From Investment   Activities
Payments for Property, Plant   & Equipments (110) (11)
Proceeds from Sale of   Property, Plant & Equipments 13 -
Payments for Intangible   assets Under Developments (56) (52)
Purchase Of Investments (80,737)    (1,86,789)
Sale Of Investments 72,465    1,89,528
Dividend Received 15 13
Net Cash Generated/(Used)   From Investing Activity (8,410) 2,689
C: Cash Flow From Financing   Activities
Proceeds From Borrowings and   Debt Securities 2,89,408    2,38,639
Repayment of Borrowings and   Debt Securities (2,83,368)    (2,83,141)
Dividend Paid On Equity   Shares (2,423) (2,423)
Payment of lease liabilities (455) (473)
Net Cash Generated/(Used)   From Financing Activity 3,162    (47,398)
Net Increase/(Decrease) Of   Cash & Cash Equivalents (A+B+C) 153 (756)
Cash & Cash Equivalents As   At Beginning of the year 3,586 6,970
Cash & Cash Equivalents   As At the End of the Period 3,739 6,214
3 The above unaudited consolidated   financial results represent the consolidated financial results for GIC   Housing Finance Limited ("GICHFL") and its wholly owned subsidiary   i.e. GICHFL Financial Services Private Limited ("GFSPL") constituting   the Group.
4 The above unaudited consolidated   financial results have been prepared in accordance with lnd AS 110 -   Consolidated Financial Statements, prescribed under section 133 of the   Companies Act, 2013 (the "Act") read with the relevant rules issued   thereunder and the other relevant provisions of the Act.
5 The above unaudited consolidated   financial results of the Group have been prepared in accordance with and   comply in all material aspects with the lndian Accounting Standards   ("Ind AS") as prescribed under section 133 of the Companies Act,   2013 ("the Act") read with the Companies (Indian Accounting   Standards) Rules, 2015 (as amended) and other accounting principles generally   accepted in India and in compliance with Regulation 33 and Regulation 52 of   the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015,   as amended.
6 The main business of the Group   is to provide loans for purchase or construction of residential houses. All   other activities of the Group revolve around the main business and   accordingly there are no separate reportable segments, as per the Ind AS 108-   Operating Segments.
7 The Members at the Annual   General Meeting held on July 31, 2024 approved the payment of final dividend   of Rs. 4.5 per equity share aggregating to Rs. 2,423 Lakh for the year ended   March 31, 2024 as recommended by Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting   held on May 13, 2024. Accordingly, the dividend amount has been paid to the   shareholders in August 2024.
8 Information as required by   Regulation 52(4) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing   Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 is attached in   Annexure I.
9 Pursuant to Regulations 54 of   SEBI (Listing obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, all   Secured Non-Convertible Debentures (NCDs) issued by the Group and outstanding   as on September 30, 2024 are fully secured by way of charge on identified   receivables of the company. Accordingly, the Group is maintaining asset cover   of 1x or such higher asset cover required as per the terms of offer document.
# In compliance with Regulation 33   and Regulation 52 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure   Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the above unaudited consolidated financial   results for the quarter and half year ended September 30, 2024 have been   reviewed by the Statutory Auditors of the Company, reviewed and recommended   by the Audit Committee and subsequently approved by the Board of Directors at   their respective meeting held on November 08, 2024.
# Other Operating Income includes   Rs.1202.14 Lakh towards Bad debts recovery.
# The figures for the previous   periods / year have been regrouped wherever necessary in order to make them   comparable with figures for the quarter and half year ended September 30,   2024.
Place : Jaipur
Date : November 08, 2024
Annexure - I
Sr. No. Ratio Quarter Ended Half Year   ended Year Ended
30-09-2024 30-06-2024 30-09-2023 30-09-2024 30-09-2023 31-03-2024
(Reviewed) (Reviewed) (Reviewed) (Reviewed) (Reviewed) (Audited)
a Debt- Equity Ratio (in times)    4.60    4.59    5.02    4.60    5.02    4.68
b* Debt-Service Coverage Ratio Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
c* Interest Service Coverage Ratio Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
d Outstanding redeemable preference   shares (quantity and value) Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
e Capital redemption reserve / Debenture   redemption reserve - - - - - -
f Net worth (₹ in Lakh) 1,88,055 1,86,832 1,73,747 1,88,055 1,73,747 1,82,883
g Net Profit after tax (₹ in Lakh) 3,652 3,899 3,019 7,551 6,203 15,135
h Earning per share (not annualised)
1. Basic 6.78 7.24 5.61 14.02 11.52 28.11
2. Diluted 6.78 7.24 5.61 14.02 11.52 28.11
i* Current Ratio Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
j* Long term debt to working capital Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
k Bad debts to Account receivable ratio   (Not annualised) - - - - - 0.16%
l* Current Liability Ratio Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
m Total debts to total assets (%) 81.47% 81.45% 82.71% 81.47% 82.71% 81.78%
n* Debtors turnover Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
o* Inventory turnover Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
p* Operating Margin (%) Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
q Net Profit Margin (%) 13.74% 14.07% 11.17% 13.91% 11.46% 14.15%
r Sector specific equivalents ratios, as   applicable
i. Stage 3 Ratio (%) 3.78% 3.98% 4.42% 3.78% 4.42% 3.72%
ii. Provision Coverage Ratio (%) 36.69% 36.61% 35.01% 36.69% 35.01% 32.55%
Formula   for Computation of ratios are as follows:
a Debt equity ratio =   (Debt Securities + Borrowings [Other than Debt Securities]) / Networth
f Networth = Equity   Share Capital + Other Equity
k Bad Debts to Account   Receivable ratio= Bad Debts Written Off / (Total Loan Book + Trade   Receivables)
m Total debts to total   assets (%) = (Debt Securities + Borrowings [Other than Debt Securities]) /   Total Assets
q Net Profit Margin   (%) = Net Profit after tax/ Total Income
r i. Stage 3 Ratio =   Gross Stage III Loan outstanding / Total Loan Outstanding
r ii. Provision   Coverage Ratio = Allowance for bad and doubtful debts for Gross Stage III   Loan Book / Gross Stage III Loan Book
* Since the   Company is a Housing Finance Company ('HFC'), disclosure of Debt service   coverage ratio, Interest service coverage ratio, Current ratio, Long term   debt to working capital, Current liability ratio, Debtors turnover ratio,   Inventory turnover ratio and Operating Margin Ratio are not applicable since   it is engaged in financing activities.